Upon graduation, Tom was appointed to the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, developing a thirst for international commerce and travel. He earned his wings as a Naval Aviator, leading multiple aviation deployments to the Western Pacific and later served at the Pentagon with the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In business, he led
global sales and operations organizations in the aerospace and life science industries.
Tom has a long record of service to non-profit boards, including the USMMA Alumni Association and Foundation (2022 Outstanding Professional Achievement Award),
USMMA National Parents Association (as President), the Massachusetts Manufacturing Advancement Center Workforce Innovation Collaborative (2013 John Gould WorkforceInnovation Award winner), Associated Industries of Massachusetts (Executive Board and COVID Return to Workplace Task Force), and the Claflin Hill Symphony Orchestra (President). He presently serves as President of the Board of Directors of the Community Boating Center, Providence, RI, and as a Trustee of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York City.
An active public servant, Tom first sought elective office in 2010. Winning a contested primary election, he was the Republican nominee for a US House of Representatives seat in Massachusetts. Twice elected as Selectman in the Town of Hopedale, he developed an Urban Renewal Plan targeting industrial blight through public-private partnership. Tom received citations from the Massachusetts State Senate and House of Representatives recognizing his “exemplary public service” and “honoring those who protect and serve this great nation.”
In his community, Tom served 6 years as the Grand Marshall of the Town of Hopedale Memorial Day Parade and has frequently been keynote speaker at annual 911 Commemorations and Flag Day Ceremonies. An Eagle Scout, Tom has consistently worked with youth and proudly served Scouting as Scoutmaster and Philmont expedition trek leader.
Tom is extremely honored to be an Eagle.