Christine Mowbray Manzi

Being from a family of volunteer firefighters and following in her father’s footsteps, in August of 1992 at the age of 14, Christine joined the West Babylon Junior Fire Department. While working her way through high school, maintaining superior grades, and participating in extracurricular activities, Christine was also busy advancing herself within the ranks of the Junior Fire Department, where she was elected and served as both lieutenant and captain. In August of 1995, while friends were preparing for senior year, Christine was being inducted into West Babylon Fire Department’s Rendezvous Truck Company #4 as a probationary firefighter. Within her first year, she completed all probationary firefighting requirements and was on her way to completing her certification as an emergency medical technician. During her senior year, she was involved in maintaining her academics (graduating with honors), playing Varsity Field Hockey, being a member of the marching band, and participating in Blue and Gold as a decorations captain.
Christine went on to earn her Associate’s Degree from Farmingdale State University followed by a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Long Island University, C.W. Post. She began working as a full time elementary teacher in West Babylon. She continued to complete her firefighter training and responding to alarms as an active firefighter, maintaining one of the department’s highest percentages. In December 2001, Christine was elected to the rank of lieutenant within her company – a position a woman had never held. After two years, Christine moved up again and was elected to the position of captain. She was still working as an elementary school teacher, coaching two sports, and working on her master’s degree in reading.
Christine always had the unwavering goal of becoming chief. In December 2009, Christine was elected to the position of 3rd assistant chief, another “first”. Over the course of the next six years, she continued to climb the ranks, serving as 2nd Assistant and 1st Assistant Chief. Recognized for her exceptional leadership skills, in December of 2015, Christine was elected Chief of the West Babylon Fire Department, the first woman to hold this position not only in West Babylon, but in the entire Town of Babylon. As chief, Christine continues to teach 5th grade at Santapogue School. She is currently chaperoning the Junior High Cheerleading team every day after school. Christine has truly shown herself to be a dedicated member of the community and her exemplary lifelong achievements detail just how much pride she takes in protecting and giving back to her community.
Above all, the most important role she plays is being mom to her two sons. She and her husband, John, have two boys, Michael who is 8 and a third grader at South Bay and Wyatt who is 3. While Christine always seems to have a meeting to go to, or training to attend, or the fire alarm sounds, she stills finds time in her day to spend with her family.