Judy Skillen

Judy Skillen attended West Babylon Schools and received her BS in Elementary Education from SUNY Oswego, MS in Special Education from Syracuse University and MS in Education in Administration from L.I. University at C.W. Post. She served as chairperson of the West Babylon Schools Special Education Dept. from 1982 – 2000. She also served as chairperson of CSE meetings, Manifestation Determination meetings, 504 Committee, as well as serving in leaderships roles for many other professional and volunteer organizations. Judy received the distinct honor of being selected as a “Woman of Distinction” by the New York State Senate in 2008. She received this honor due to her commitment and contributions to her community. Just recently,
Judy received the Village of Babylon distinguished Nathaniel Conklin Award for volunteerism and outstanding community service. Judy Skillen has made significant contributions to the West Babylon community as a professional within the community and as a volunteer. She has gained the respect and admiration of her peers due to her efforts. Judy’s endeavors were accomplished out of pure love for her profession, her community in which she lives and the intrinsic desire to give back to society.