West Babylon Lions Club

The history of the West Babylon Lions Club began on June 12, 1950, when Harry J. Diehl, a representative of Lions International, certified that he had received the names of 31 members to issue a charter.
The purpose of a Lions Club is to serve the community meeting its needs and in solving its problems. OUR MOTO: WE SERVE.
Since formation the West Babylon Lions Club have been active in helping the handicapped, the less fortunate of the community and provide annual scholarships to West Babylon Students.
Community Service Activities
Food Baskets
Adopt a family at Christmas time
Provided and installed smoke detectors to senior citizens and handicapped individuals in West Babylon
Free glaucoma, hearing, and blood pressure testing.
Donations to the Guide Dog Foundation, Helen Keller Institute, Cleary School for the Deaf,
Lions Clubs International Foundation, St Jude’s Children’s Hospital and Autism
Eye exams and glasses for individuals in West Babylon
Built and equipped the West Babylon Lions sight and hearing room, located in the West Babylon Library and provide free transportation for the sight and hearing-impaired residents of the community.
Christmas Tree Lighting
Fund Raising Activities
Annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfast which serves over 1,200 people
St. Anthony’s Annual Feast
Car Show